iAccess Life wants your help to support our Coronavirus Relief Efforts
Coronavirus is pushing us all indoors, sheltering in place and practicing social distancing. For many of us, that means our Netflix queues are shrinking and the stack of books we’ve been meaning to read are dogeared and done. How many times can we put together the same puzzle of the Eiffel Tower? So we’ve come up with a fun activity for our iAccess Life family that not only helps pass the time, but also helps businesses get spotlighted and raises funds for a very good cause concentrated on coronavirus relief efforts.
Stay in place, rate in place...for a good cause
From now until May 6th, stay in place and rate and review destinations that you’ve already visited and know well. Think about the last five restaurants you ate at, or the last concert venue. Rate and review them on the iAccess Life app. For every new review that is created between now and May 6th, iAccess Life will donate $1 for each unique place rated to Meals on Wheels America and their effort to keep seniors safe amid COVID-19.
(Disclaimer: iAccess Life will donate up to $1000 toward this cause.)

Vulnerable seniors are at the greatest risk amid COVID-19. Local Meals on Wheels programs are on the front lines every day, focused on doing all they can to keep older Americans safe and nourished in communities across the country. The costs and efforts needed to protect seniors from COVID-19 require additional emergency funds, and that is why we are asking you to get active on the iAccess Life app from home and do your part to help raise funds for this great cause while helping to improve the ability to access credible accessibility information for the disabled community. If you haven’t already downloaded our app, you can do so below:

Managing Caregivers
For any of you who rely on a caregiver or personal assistance services, the COVID-19 outbreak may seem especially worrisome. If you are dependent on extra hands to help with daily needs, it may be difficult or even impossible to quarantine yourself as a safety precaution meant to reduce your exposure to the virus. We suggest reading our blog post on “Smart Devices for the Disabled” and “Adaptive Clothing” to see if there are any devices you can leverage to help make you more independent.
A few tips and product recommendations from iAccess Life for navigating these times:
- It is well within your rights to request that your caregivers wear a mask if you know they have been in contact other patients they care, which makes it more likely they may have been exposed to COVID-19, even if they themselves aren’t symptomatic.
- We recommend that you request your caregivers to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before each time they touch you.
We all hope that we’ll be able to go out and live our lives to the fullest soon. In the meantime, we need to do our part as good citizens and help to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19. So stay home, tap into your experiences, bring out your inner critic and rate and review on iAccess Life to raise funds for Meals on Wheels America and their Coronavirus relief efforts.
Download this social media graphic and share it with your friends and followers. It will take all of us working together to make sure America’s seniors remain protected.

Learn more about Coronavirus and How to protect yourself
We also encourage you to checkout our latest blog post on Coronavirus recommendations for the disabled

Stay safe, healthy and active. Remember that social distancing doesn’t mean not being social. Have a question? Email us at info@iaccess.life. Or tag us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.